Well, I already told you that I had pretty much given up finding a job without my residencia. But I had found a niche in the job market where I canwork without it: private schools and private organisations for teaching adults. And that's why last week I could have had 3 full-time jobs.
So, here the full story. But pay attention; it will get confusing!
I figured that the Christian Liberty Academy (I will call it LCA for short.) will not be my favorite place to work at. First of all, I was not able to teach all the courses I was supposed to because at the interview the director had not told me about the two advanced math courses. Secondly, the director only wanted to pay me a part-time salary, but gave me a schedule where I had to be in school 4 days a week. Thirdly, religion and its projects seemed to be more important for that school than the actual teaching. Teachers have to come to school 45 minutes before classes start to discuss chapters of the bible and pray. (I'm sorry, but my sleep is more important than reading the Bible at 7.15 am. That's why I was always late. I always came in at exactly at 8 am when classes started.) And last, but not least, that school had big problems with discipline. Well, at a public school I wouldn't be surprised about it, but at a private school I expect better teaching conditions. However, that school was so small and doing pretty badly with its student numbers that they took absolutely every student without considering the behaviour problems. Because of all those reasons, I continued applying for other schools.
On the internet there is a nice wepbage with nearly all of the private schools in Costa Rica and even when they were not looking for any new teachers, I would send them an e-mail. And one of those schools called me the next day. It's called New Hope and it's one of the best and most prestigious schools in Costa Rica. (However, when I applied for it I didn't know about that.) It's located in Heredia, a neighboring city of San José. By bus it took me 2 hours to get to the school, but by car (which I have) it will only take my 30 minutes. Already at the interview the director told me that I would be her first choice, but that she will go on interviewing other people to give them a chance. I think that I am so wanted here because of my Master degree. Lots of people here in Costa Rica go to university, but they only get a Bachelor degree. Having a Mater degree here really helps.
So, the interview for New Hope was on Wednesday. On Tuesday I had already been to a failry challenging English exam to apply for a job at Berlitz. (Berlitz is an institute that exists worldwide and offers very expensive language courses in lots of different languages, including English and Spanish.) Berlitz did call me on Wednesdayto set up an interview because I had passed the exam. So, on Thursday I dressed all pretty and met the director of Berlitz, the type of women I absolutely hate. Everything on her was perfect; there was no space for creativity or relaxedness. She asked me a bunch of prepared questions and told me how much I would be earning. That was the most disappointing thing: Berlitz pays less for a full-time job than LCA would have. But if you have a full-time job at Berlitz you have to be available all day during the week and Saturday Meaning, you might have a course at 7 am till 9 am in the morning, then another one at about noon and the last course at around 7 pm. That does not leave you any time for yourself because you spend all the rest of the time travelling back and worth or waiting for the next course to start. Plus Berlitz is so posh that you have to come to work in business attire, you are constantly observed and I think I simply can't work like that. However, since I had not had an answer from New Hope at that time, I agreed to come to the training course which you have to take to be able to teach at Berlitz.
And now it gets confusing: When I came to LCA on Thursday, a teacher there told me that they probably now need a English and World History teacher and I got all excited because that is something I would prefer a thousand times to teaching maths. What happened was: The English teacher had said a few not-so-nice things to that undisciplined 7th grade and when they parents of that grade had a meeting with him, he got very frustrated and threatened to quit. And then, on Thursday he simply didn't show up without calling in or sending an e-mail. So, on Thursday and Friday the director had me substitute for all the English and World History classes. However, although the director didn't want this old English teacher back and although he hadn't showed up for two days in a row without giving any notice, she could not fire him because in Costa Rica you have to abondan work for 3 days to be fired. And the third day would have been Monday. Now I was really in trouble. LCA is much closer than New Hope to Cristian's parents' house and would therefore save me money and time on travelling. However, New Hope had promised me a schedule of only 4 days a week from 9.20 am to 2.20 pm with a full-time salary (in LCA I would have to work 5 days from 7.15 am to 3 pm for the same money). Plus, I was told (and I also believe that) that at New Hope the discipline is much better. Furthermore, it's such a well-known school that in the future I could apply at any other school and would have very high chances that they take me. So, when at 11 am New Hope called me and offered me the job, I immediately said yes. I sent Berlitz an e-mail that I won't come to their training and told LCA that although the English position might be available, that I will not come back to teach for them.
So, now it's Sunday and since on Friday I did not have the time to go to New Hope to talk to them, I have absolutely no idea what I will be teaching tomorrow. Their actual English teacher is very sick and can't be contacted. So, tomorrow I will have a bunch of improvising to do. If I at least knew which grades I will be teaching....