The longer I have her, the more sorry I feel for all the other dogs in Costa Rica. Most dogs here only get table scraps and have never seen dog food. Nala gets special chewing bones and toys (which I hold for her so that they won't slip away when she chews them), little treats for dogs, cookies that are good for her breath and teeth.... I sometimes even brush her teeth.
I am the only one in Las Juntas that regularly takes her dog for walks. All the other dogs are either only in their backyard or have to go for walks alone. Lately lots of people asked me if Nala bites. And I now found out why. The only reason why you would have a dog on a leage in Costa Rica is if the dog bites. However, I have Nala on the leage when I walk close to a street because I am afraid she could run onto the street and be hit by a car. And I see enough dead smashed dogs along the big street just outside of Las Juntas.
Of course, there is no other dog in Costa Rica that is allowed to sleep in the owner's bed or sit on the sofa. Nearly all the dogs are not even allowed to go inside the house. Here in Costa Rica dogs sleep outside.
What I have also realized is that Nala is the cleanest dog in Costa Rica. Since she is mostly inside and sleeps in our bed, I try to keep her really clean. When she is dusty from outside, then I brush her fur and when she is very stinky than I give her a bath. Our neighbor's dog looks grey because he is so dirty. But his original color is black. Furthermore, compared to other dogs, Nala's fur looks unnaturally shiny. But that shinyness is a sign of a healthy and happy dog.
I hope Nala knows how lucky she was that we bought her. I bet all her brothers and sisters have a much simpler life than she does. I now feel obliged to get many more dogs to save them from their terrible fate in Costa Rican families and I might also start feeding our neighbor's dog; he's so skinny!
PS. My favorite nickname for Nala is "Püppi" which is German and means "doll".
Always the first in bed...and the last!

Looking cute.

Being lazy. (It looks like she is wearing lipstick!)

Püppi is giving Cristian a hug.

Playing ball at the beach.

Her hunting position.

Running like a crazy girl.

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