However, there was one problem before Nala and I could move into Marta's house. She is of the opinion that dogs have to live outside because they are dirty and she is scared to death of big dogs like Nala! (And when Nala feels that somebody is scared, she gets crazy and growls and barks at that person.)
We had taken Nala to San José once before and for three nights she had to sleep outside in a little hut. But since Nala is used to sleeping inside (in our bed), she was crying and howling all night long and ate badly. (The howling was quite impressive though. I didn't even know that she can howl like a wolf!) So, there was only one way that Nala could come to San José with me and that was living inside the house. It took a long time to convince Marta that Nala is not a dirty dog, that she will not pee and shit inside the house and she will also not destroy her furniture. (Yes, Nala likes to chew on absolutely everything, but thank God she does not chew on furniture!)
The first few days I was very careful: I was always with Nala when she was outside in the yard or running around in the house. I didn't let her go to close to Marta because she was still afraid of her. But after a week, Marta finally got used to having Nala around and she even attempted to touch her. A week after that, she didn't even mind when Nala jumped up to her. (Nala likes being really close to somebody's head. So, she jumps up to people all the time and it looks like she wants to dance with them or hug them.) And yesterday the absolutely impossible thing happened: Usually I put Nala into a little garage when I go to work (which was also the agreement between Marta and me because she does not like it when Nala is alone in my room). And although Nala doesn't like it, I don't see a problem with it because it's just for 4 hours and not even every day. However, yesterday Nala had cut her paw (probably by stepping on glass) and I didn't want her to be running around all evening (because that is what she is doing in the garage: running back and worth and barking at people), so I wanted to put her into my room. But Marta suggested that I could let Nala run around outside in the yard since she was there anyway. I nearly had an heartattack because I couldn't believe that Marta felt comfortable enough to be alone with Nala. I assumed that after a while Marta would just close the door to the yard and leave Nala there alone, but that would have been fine. However, when I came home that night, I didn't find Nala in the yard, she was in my room, sleeping on the armchair. When Marta heard that I came home, she opened the door of her bedroom and said: "Nala went inside your room at around 6 o'clock and I even let the door open, so that she could run around in the house, but she didn't want to." Then I nearly had my second heart attack. She left the door open, so that Nala can round around alone in her precious living room??? I couldn't believe it!
As a conclusion: It was a miracle that Marta allowed us to have Nala inside the house, but an even bigger miracle that she agreed to take care of her! I am sure that Marta will miss Nala by the time we move out of her house! :-P
And since we are already talking about Nala anyway: One day when I went walking with her in the neighborhood, I passed a house where two dirty mutts were barking at Nala. After that a woman came out of the house, saw Nala and said: "Look at that girl, she is walking her Pitbull on a public street!" I just turned around, shook my head and tried to find out what her problem was. Because: First of all, Nala is not a Pitbull; she is an American Stafford! She might look like a Pitbull, but a Pitbull would already be much bigger than she is. Secondly, in contrast to other countries, Costa Rica does not have any laws against dogs (attack/fighting dogs) like Nala. In Costa Rica I could have her run around in the city without a leash. Of course, I don't do that. (In Germany, the case would be very different: I would have to pay higher taxes for Nala, make her wear a muzzle, get a special training for her and so on and so on.) Well, ever since that woman complained, I now pass by her house every single day and there is nothing she can do. And if she called the police, they would probably die laughing; they have better things to do in San José than to go after a non-Pitbull who is being taking for a walk on a public street which is not even against the law!

PS. Nala is in heat right now and since lots of little drops of blood make you have to clean a lot, she has to wear underwear now. However, she does not think it's very cool to wear my panties! :-P

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