So, off we went to a pet store. Cristian and I have no knowledge about fishes. That is why when we chose our fish, we chose the prettiest one (a silver-ornage veiltail) without knowing which kind it was. When we told the owner of the pet store that this fish will live together with a bunch of tropical fish, he came up with a little "ohoh". The fish we wanted to buy was an oriental fish and you should try to keep only tropical or only oriental fish, but not mix them. But the pet shop owner insured us that our fish will be fine since she was fairly big (about 5 cm long). On our way to the car we went by another pet shop and went in to check out the fishes there. And the person who worked there was much more negative about our oriental fish living with tropical fish. He told us that a very tiny tropical fish could kill our new pet.
While we went home, we decided to call our fish Brida. Then we put her into the aquarium and only 10 minutes later the first fishes started to follow and attack her although she was much bigger. It got so bad that we took her out of the aquarium, into a flower vase and drove to the next pet shop to get our own aquarium. While we bought that, we also bought a few more fishes (friends for Brida): Balu (a tiny orange, dark, red and silver veiltail with only one eye which we found out when we had him at home), Nakoma (a big orange veiltail) and Sophie (a small silver and orange veiltail). This time when we put all the fish together, they seemed to get along just fine; like a big family!
A few days later we saw another pet shop and this one had sweetwater sharks. So, we got two tiny ones and called them Bagira and Chispa.
However, a few days ago, Brida and Nakoma started to act weird. Brida was laying with her belly on the bottom of the aquarium and not moving much. From time to time Nakoma would do the same. The next day when I checked the fishes, Brida was already dead and the other fishes were attacking her. So, I took her out and ever since Nakoma is nearly continuously laying at the bottom of the aquarium as well. I am not so sure if she will make it! Let's keep our fingers crossed.
We don't really know what is the reason for our two biggest fishes getting sick. Did we overfeed them? Is the aquarium too small? Is something wrong with the water? But if yes, why are the small fishes all healthy and active?
However, we were really sad when Brida died because she was our favorite because we had her first and she was very beautiful! Unfortunately, she died so soon that we didn't even have time to take a picture of her. That's why I stole one from the internet. Let's hope that there is something like a heaven for fishes!
Once all our fishes are well off again, I will also post some pictures of our aquarium.
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