However, but lately I figured out that Cristian never had normal days off. They are seldomly relaxing. It either involves being super late(coming back from the beach during Christmas), super tired (both trips to San José) or super dangerous (as in this case).
At first we were planning on going to the beach. But the good beaches are about 2,5 hours away and that would mean getting up fairly early and being tired all day again. So, since we hadn’t slept much all week, we decided to sleep long and go to some thermal springs about 60 km away from Las Juntas.
However, it has been really windy all week and most of the time we have been without water and/or electricity. Right this second, we are having both (although the water doesn’t have any pressure); so I feel lucky! After having been sitting at home alone in the dark for 4 hours without any electricity or candles (because I had forgotten to buy them) last week, I really appreciate I it when those modern cons like electricity and running water are actually working.
But let’s go back to Cristian’s day off. He had warned me that the road to Cañas (which is on the way to the springs) is very windy and that it would not be very comfortable on the scooter. But neither of us could imagine how windy it really was; or rather how stormy. On the road the scooter was pushed to the side all the time and when I trailer would pass, the wind was so strong that it would jerk back our heads. At some pint we had to stop because we were afraid that the wind would carry us away. (We’ve also met some friends of Cristian who told him that the car was slightly picked up by the wind and nearly turned over.) Furthermore, the Panamerican Highway, where we were driving on, is not really a highway. It consists of one narrow lane in each direction. So, when the big trailers would overtake us and something was coming on the other lane, it was getting uncomfortably tight. In one case, Cristian had to drive into the ditch of the road to not be hit by a trailer that wanted to overtake.
So, by the time we arrived in Cañas (35 km away from Las Juntas), we decided that we do not want to go any further. We asked around if there is a pool somewhere close by and only 3 km outside of Cañas, there was a hotel which had a pool. It wasn’t very big, but we were the only customers that day, so we had it all to ourselves. The water was quite cool, but it served for swimming and some relaxing. When we took a walk into the forest behind the hotel, we saw one of the biggest iguanas that exist. Including it’s tail it was as big as I am. And although they are usually scared of people and run away, this one wouldn’t run very far, but would sit on a stone and warn us by head-movements not to come any closer. This iguana really looks like a dinosaur.

For the way back, Cristian wanted me to take the bus back because he thought it would be safer. But I am as stubborn as I am pretty, so I decided to ride with him. During the afternoon the winds were even stronger and by 5 pm, we were home and mighty happy to still be alive.
Well, let’s see what the next day off is gonna bring; I’m kinda anxious!

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