Cristian and I went to freezing San Josè again to get his scooter which was still waiting to get his check-up and road permission for 2010.
After a 2,5 hour bus ride during which Cristian was sleeping in my arms most of the time, we arrived there at 11.30 pm. Although Cristian’s father wanted us to respect the house, we slept in the same room and bed again. We are sorry! But seriously, we already live together in Guanacaste and his father also knows that it’s way too late to prevent anything.
Cristian thought that I would take the bus to Guanacaste and that he would have to drive the scooter alone. But I wanted to go with him although I knew it would be uncomfortable. But during the trip I also realized that a 3-hour scooter ride is like a 3-hour rollercoaster ride, especially with the traffic in San José and later with the strong winds in Guanacaste. Don’t get me wrong: I like rollercoaster rides and I really enjoyed the short motorcycle ride I was taken on in Finland. But three hours of that? Furthermore, we were both tired because we had gotten up at 5 am and after 1,5 hours on the back of the scooter there wasn’t a bone in my body that didn’t hurt.
However, I think that whenever I ride with Cristian, he drives much more careful than when he would drive alone. Plus he always crosses himself before we start. (It’s a bit funny: Cristian, the guy who is known as a party boy in every hotel/restaurant he has worked at and had his share of problems during teenager hood, believes in God and his protection. I am not religious at all, but I accept it if other people are. Just don’t try to change my opinion; I tend to be too stubborn to change my views. And yes, I also believe in evolution because I don’t think that anybody would be that powerful to create the world in 7 days. Furthermore, sometimes I think that the world is too cruel to have a God. I am doing just fine here; I don’t have any huge problems. But what about the starving children in Africa? The poor families in the slums of the big cities of Latin America? Shouldn’t God something about that? And weirdly enough those are usually the most religious people! However, this is not going to become an essay about religion and God, so I better stop here.)

But maybe we should get back to Cristian as a party boy: That is definitely something of the past. What happened? Well, he met me! *lol* Already in Puerto Viejo we would rather stay at home and cook dinner for ourselves than partying with the other colleagues. And we sometimes have fairly fancy dinners: shrimp soup, pasta with self-made tomato sauce (with only fresh ingredients) and tuna, risotto with octopus, marinated steak, fish with self-made dip…. It’s not just pasta with ketchup! I found myself a men who can cook. And I admit: he does most of the cooking. Sometimes I help him a bit. But other times I just sit on the kitchen counter and make funny comments and drink my pre-dinner beer!
And what happened to Sabine, the party girl? I can remember times when I was the last and/or the drunkest to leave a party. Or my life in Ireland: pubs and clubs 5 days a week. Well, I guess I’m getting old! *lol* I’m like Cristian now: I prefer spending time with him, cuddling on the sofa, and talking. Oh shit, I’m boring now!
Party Boy + Party Girl = No More Parties
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